South Seaham Garden Village

Durham County Council

Having secured Garden Village status for a residential-led mixed use development at South Seaham, Durham County Council instructed Hive to lead on the establishment of a governance structure to oversee the implementation of the GV. 

South Seaham Garden Village


The Council, and other key stakeholders, were keen to put in place a robust governance structure to drive delivery against the programme, act in a stewardship capacity to ensure the key aspirations of the GV were achieved, and provide a robust basis upon which future funding opportunities could be channelled and explored. Hive commenced the instruction with a Project Inception Document, followed by one-to-one stakeholder meetings to understand their roles, organisational requirements, aspirations and views on what they regarded was fit for purpose, given the unique characteristics of the project.


Drawing on a wealth of experience on working on other GVs, Hive were able to advise on the most suitable structure to adopt, based on key legal and financial considerations and the appetite of stakeholders. The key output was a report setting out governance structure options, with a preferred option, providing a clear structure designed to be as streamlined as possible, whilst allowing for multiple stakeholders to have a meaningful input into the project. The report was accompanied with practical advice around the legal documents required to underpin the structure (including a MOU and ToR). Hive led on the set up of the working groups and their respective remits to fit within the wider Council governance framework and the role of the Board.

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