Middleholme, Peterborough

Peterborough City Council

Hive has undertaken extensive work with local authorities and Homes England to develop effective strategies for the delivery of land in public ownership. This work is grounded in many years of experience and expertise in designing disposal strategies aligned to client objectives for what they what to achieve with land. Building on this expertise we were instructed by Peterborough Council to de-risk and dispose of a stalled, greenfield site with a capacity for over 1000 homes, in the Council’s ownership.


Our role has been to lead and project manage the process from defining Council objectives through to the appointment of a developer to bring the site forward. We identifying the most appropriate development strategy for the site, supporting Council officers in drafting their investment and disposal approvals. The Hive services on the project included: Strategy formulation, project management, programme and drafting / adoption of Project Initiation Document; Securing capacity funding from Homes England to fund the de-risking work; Assistance in procuring and managing the technical de-risking team; Soft market testing; Desk top technical due diligence, including infrastructure; Planning strategy; Planning and disposal brief; and Marketing.


The outcome has been an efficient and effective strategy to deliver the site to achieve the Council’s key objective around achieving high quality place making, along with securing the best financial returns achievable.

More Projects

Instructed by Hive Homes to provide planning consultancy advice in respect of a residential scheme proposed on a previously developed site in the Green Belt. We initially led the pre-application discussions with Bury Council, who were also the landowner.

Acting for Redrow, Hive were instructed to lead the submission of a reserved matters application for 169 homes. This was the third phase of residential development at Yew Tree Farm and so it was important to ensure that consistency was achieved and we did this by working extremely closely with the design and technical teams at Redrow.

The former Riverside High School site is located to the west of Radcliffe town centre and has been vacant since 2015. The site, which was cleared in 2021, provided an opportunity to delivery for much needed housing development in Bury.