
Middlesbrough Council

Hive was appointed to support Middlesbrough Council and their development partner, BCEGI, to secure money from the Brownfield Housing Fund to de-risk and deliver the Middlehaven regeneration proposals. 

Hive has extensive experience in leading bids and securing grant funding for both public and private sector clients from a range of government backed grant funding programmes. This wide-ranging experience meant Hive was ideally placed to support the Council in securing money from the Brownfield Housing Fund, the administration of which had been devolved to the Tees Valley Combined Authorities.  


Hive led the multi-disciplinary team in compiling the business case which sought over £7.5m of grant funding. The proposal followed the outline of the HM Treasury 5 case business model and required supporting financial and economic appraisals. The full project team included : Middlesbrough Council (Client) BCEGI (Developer) Viability appraisal specialist Engineering and cost consultants Economics (representing the Combined Authority) The Council’s housing delivery partners


Hive not only project managed the input of the client team and acted as lead author on the bid, but led on the funding body liaison in the lead up to the bid submission. The commission led to Middlesbrough Council successfully securing £7.652m of grant funding to invest in the key enabling infrastructure for the development.

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Instructed by Hive Homes to provide planning consultancy advice in respect of a residential scheme proposed on a previously developed site in the Green Belt. We initially led the pre-application discussions with Bury Council, who were also the landowner.

Acting for Redrow, Hive were instructed to lead the submission of a reserved matters application for 169 homes. This was the third phase of residential development at Yew Tree Farm and so it was important to ensure that consistency was achieved and we did this by working extremely closely with the design and technical teams at Redrow.

The former Riverside High School site is located to the west of Radcliffe town centre and has been vacant since 2015. The site, which was cleared in 2021, provided an opportunity to delivery for much needed housing development in Bury.