Health Innovation Bolton

Bolton Council

Health Innovation Bolton (HIB) is an innovative new proposal for land adjoining Bolton Hospital that will provide exemplar new facilities to support the growth of the hospital. The proposed enabling development could include employment facilities and housing, including specialist and care related accommodation that provides the transitional care needs for hospital leavers and delivers on the Council’s growth aspirations 


Hive was commissioned to support the Council in a wide-ranging project delivery role. Due to Hive’s extensive experience in delivering large-scale new developments for, and in partnership with the public sector, Hive was ideally placed for this commission. Hive brought commercial acumen, planning and high-level strategy expertise together with a proven record for delivery of large-scale sites such as HIB. Hive’s role in support Bolton Council on HIB includes Acting as project lead; Programme management; Options analysis; Advising on potential deal structures; Leading capital and capacity funding bids; Fronting developer engagement; and Providing additional capacity to support the Council’s existing resources.


Bolton Council recognised the unique skills and experience that Hive offer in delivering large scale development opportunities, from the public sector perspective. Hive’s involvement has helped accelerate the pace of progress and enabled the Council to focus on the delivery of their core objectives for the site.

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Instructed by Hive Homes to provide planning consultancy advice in respect of a residential scheme proposed on a previously developed site in the Green Belt. We initially led the pre-application discussions with Bury Council, who were also the landowner.

Acting for Redrow, Hive were instructed to lead the submission of a reserved matters application for 169 homes. This was the third phase of residential development at Yew Tree Farm and so it was important to ensure that consistency was achieved and we did this by working extremely closely with the design and technical teams at Redrow.

The former Riverside High School site is located to the west of Radcliffe town centre and has been vacant since 2015. The site, which was cleared in 2021, provided an opportunity to delivery for much needed housing development in Bury.