Boho X, Middlesbrough

Middlesbrough Council And BCEGI

Hive are instructed as planning consultant on the project by BCEGI and Middlesbrough Council, working primarily alongside JM Architects, Arup, Layer and Turley Heritage. We led the submission of a detailed planning application for the proposals.


Ensuring the deliverability of the scheme has been at the core of our involvement and Hive took part in regular project meetings with the wider technical team as well as bespoke focussed meetings in order to ensure that the planning permission provides certainty and at the same time flexibility where it is needed.


Boho X is a 60,000 square feet Grade A office led scheme in the historic core of Middlesbrough. The site is located within the Boho zone, which is a major regeneration area in the town and Boho X is to provide space for a flexible and adaptable internal environment to suit new digital opportunities. A mix of uses are proposed alongside the core office offer, including a g ground floor shared café and workspace area, a swimming pool, gym, lecture theatre, rooftop bar/event space and an external terrace, contributing to the positive health and well-being of the building occupants and distinguishing itself as the market leader in office space. The building is to be set within new high quality public realm, including an urban orchard and sustainable modes of transport are being encouraged through the provision of a secure cycle store that will provide space for 100 cycles.

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Instructed by Hive Homes to provide planning consultancy advice in respect of a residential scheme proposed on a previously developed site in the Green Belt. We initially led the pre-application discussions with Bury Council, who were also the landowner.

Acting for Redrow, Hive were instructed to lead the submission of a reserved matters application for 169 homes. This was the third phase of residential development at Yew Tree Farm and so it was important to ensure that consistency was achieved and we did this by working extremely closely with the design and technical teams at Redrow.

The former Riverside High School site is located to the west of Radcliffe town centre and has been vacant since 2015. The site, which was cleared in 2021, provided an opportunity to delivery for much needed housing development in Bury.